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[smart choice 2] unit7. there are too many stores!

by 오카드 2020. 5. 8.

답이 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. **


** Vocabulary

2. Put the words in the box in the correct list


 places to shop

things for sale 

words to describe things 


















2.comeplete the conversation. then listen and check your answers.

 a. crowded                  b. electronics          c. overpriced          d. mall


1. mall

2. crowded

3. dlectorinics

4. overpriced


**Language Practice

1. complete the sentences with too, too much, or too many

1. too many

2. too

3. too many

4. too much

5, too

6. too much


2. complete the sentences with too much, too many, or not enough

1. not enough

2. too many

3. too many

4. too much

5. not enough

6. too much


3. complete the conversations. then pactice them with a partner

1. much//too much money

2. too many // too

3. too// too many
