스마트초이스 정답3 [smart choice 2] 4. The best place in the world a. island 섬 b. ocean 대양 c. conitnent 대륙 d. mountain range 산맥 e. lake 호수 f. river 강 g. rainforest 열대우림 h. waterfalls 폭포 ---------------------------------conversation 1. Brazil 2. the amazon 3.fainforest -------------------------Language Practice 1. -1 -2 the deepest -3 the coldest -4 the commonest -5 the tallest -6 the most crowded 2. -1 -2 the widest, the longest -3 the largest, the smallest -4 .. 2020. 5. 8. [smart choice 2] unit7. there are too many stores! 답이 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. ** ** Vocabulary 2. Put the words in the box in the correct list places to shop things for sale words to describe things megastore perfume handmade mall clothing overpriced fleamarket electronics trendy online software outdated boutique jewelry resonable **conversation 2.comeplete the conversation. then listen and check your answers. a. crowded b. electronics c. overpriced d. .. 2020. 5. 8. [smart choice 2] unit8. i like guys who are creative. ** 답이 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. ** Vocabulary 1.put the words in the box in the correct list Appearance personality bald muscular independent clever broad shouldered pretty creative intelligent beautiful skinny calm talented handsome attractive outgoing warm **conversation 2. comeplete the conversaion. then listen and check your answers. 1.music 2.musician 3.atrractive 4. creative **Language Practice 1. M.. 2020. 5. 8. 이전 1 다음